Jody Polevoy

Mind-Body Healing


Jody Polevoy is a mind-body healing practitioner with more than 20 years of experience practicing and teaching powerful methods of personal transformation.


The Healing Path


My life changed immediately when I discovered this path. It gave me profound insight into who I am and changed my vision from black & white to technicolor.

Decades later I am still practicing healing awareness in my own life and supporting my clients in doing the same. My job is holding up a mirror to help you see who you really are and providing a safe container for your unique path to self-actualization. Your job is showing up for your work and transforming your life.

Most of us go through life waiting for a miracle, but few of us know the true definition of a miracle. A miracle is a change in perception. It’s as simple as that. Change your perception and the world will shift around you.

If you’re ready to look beyond your current field of vision and heal your past — if you’re committed to being honest and diligent with yourself as you walk this path — then I am ready to meet you where you are and help illuminate the path forward.



Background and Practice


Jody has a BA from Columbia and a MSW from Hunter College. She is a graduate of The Kripalu School of Ayurveda and has studied extensively with Dr. Vasant Lad, Rosy Mann, and Dr. Naina Marballi, MD.

Her practice combines elements of Western and Eastern healing arts and sciences. The East has long examined the nuanced link between mind and body, and modern Western psychology is now probing the same territory through a different lens. 

Her methods are designed to explore the mind, unearth insights stored within the body, and reveal the way that events from the past continue to manifest in our daily experience.

Jody helps each client discover the mental and emotional patterns that are shaping their life, then gives them tools to reshape their path and manifest with intention.





Jody and this work have been my lighthouse during some of the darkest and roughest times of my life. As I go deeper, I continue to learn more about my ‘higher self’ and how to connect to others from this place. Committing to doing this work is not an easy process, though I recommend it to all seeking to truly know themselves.
— Dane, Artist & Audio Tech (Jersey City, NJ)
Before I met Jody, I was a fractured self. My life was a habituated reaction to my fears and wounds. She helped me wake up and open my heart to pain, discomfort, uncertainty, and joy. With her guidance, I learned how to travel into myself and emerge with healing and peace. I have learned loving-kindness and skillful compassion. In journeying with Jody, I live with presence, I am connected, and I am fulfilled.
— Jill, Artist, Wife & Mother (Brooklyn, NY)
I came to Jody hoping she could help me figure out what was ‘blocking my potential,’ and got so much more than I bargained for. Within two sessions she was stunning me with her insights and, just a few years later, I am flying high and yet more grounded than I’ve ever been. On my good days, I am full to the brim with love, creativity, and gratitude. On my hard days, I am anchored in the knowledge that I have the tools I need to keep healing.
— Darnell, Technology Executive (NYC)